📋 Presale/IDO Details
Last updated
Last updated
IDO: Started on February 28 ends on March 28.
Amount Token:1,000,000,000 $MetaUFO - 10% of Total Supply
Softcap: 500 BNB
Hardcap: 3000 BNB
Max Spend Per Account = 30 BNB
IDO rate: 0.00002BNB/1MetaUFO
Pancakeswap listing rate: 0.0005BNB/1MetaUFO
Link for the Pre-sale: https://metaUFO.me/buy
Round 1: Starts March 28 and ends April 28.
Initial Liquidity Offering 1 (IDO 1)
Amount Token: 1,000,000,000 $MetaUFO - 10% of Total Supply
Softcap: 500 BNB
Round 2: Starts April 28 and ends May 28.
Amount Token:1,000,000,000 $MetaUFO - 10% of Total Supply
Round 3: Starts May 28th and ends June 28th.
Amount Token:1,000,000,000 $MetaUFO - 10% of Total Supply
Mechanism You'll be able to participate by taking place in one of the 3 rounds as explained below:
How to buy?
Step 1: Access to IDO Link
Step 2: Connect your wallet
Step 3: Enter the amount of BNB you want to buy $MetaUFO
Step 4: Click "Purchase" and Confirm your transaction.
Hardcap: 3000 BNB
Max Spend Per Account = 35 BNB
IDO rate: 0.00004BNB/1MetaUFO
Pancakeswap listing rate:0.0005BNB/1MetaUFO
Link for the Pre-sale: https://metaUFO.me/buy
Softcap: 500 BNB
Hardcap: 3000 BNB
Max Spend Per Account = 35BNB
IDO rate: 0.00006BNB/1MetaUFO
Link for the Pre-sale: https://metaUFO.me/buy
Softcap: 500 BNB
Hardcap: 3000 BNB
Max Spend Per Account = 35BNB
IDO rate: 0.00008BNB/1MetaUFO
Link for the Pre-sale: https://metaUFO.me/buy